Hearts of Welcome is a Multi-Denominational Christ-Centered movement aimed to share God’s love with an open invitation to worship. The impact of the Hearts of Welcome Campaign is rooted in the strength of our community and churches coming together to bring Christ's love to others. This simple concept began when a well-intentioned member of a local church came to his local sign company with an idea to create a yard sign that shared a simple and powerful message. He shared an inspiring concept that, regardless of the church, much would be accomplished if a sign welcomed one person into a church and a relationship with Christ.

The Hearts of Welcome Campaign is not a fundraiser. It is a simple campaign with one mission: “To create an uplifting movement of welcome, that invites the community to worship.” We hope to further strengthen the impacts of our churches who are working to address the needs of individuals and the community, supporting others, and giving back in so many ways.

Our Mission